Sixth Carbon Budget

The Sixth Carbon Budget, required under the Climate Change Act, provides ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037.

The UK’s independent adviser on tackling climate change

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.

Our purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

In fulfilling this role our focus is to:

  • Provide independent advice on setting and meeting carbon budgets and preparing for climate change
  • Monitor progress in reducing emissions and achieving carbon budgets and targets
  • Conduct independent analysis into climate change science, economics and policy
  • Engage with a wide range of organisations and individuals to share evidence and analysis

The Government and national authorities may also request specific advice from the Committee on an ad-hoc basis.


Our key reports

Sixth Carbon Budget

The Sixth Carbon Budget advice report, required under the Climate Change Act, provides ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037. It sets the pathway to Net Zero and is based on an extensive programme of analysis, consultation and consideration by the Committee and its staff, building on the evidence published last year for our Net Zero advice.

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Progress in preparing for climate change – 2019 Progress Report to Parliament

This report sets out the Adaptation Committee’s latest assessment of progress in preparing for climate change in England, and provides a first evaluation of the Government’s second National Adaptation Programme.

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Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming

This report responds to a request from the Governments of the UK, Wales and Scotland, asking the Committee to reassess the UK’s long-term emissions targets. Our new emissions scenarios draw on ten new research projects, three expert advisory groups, and reviews of the work of the IPCC and others.

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